Showing posts with label Inspiration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Inspiration. Show all posts


Brian Blackwell Quotes

There comes a time in your life when you walk away from all the drama and the people who create it, and surround yourself with people who make you feel good and make you laugh.

Forget the bad and focus on the good. Love the people who treat you right. Life is too short to be anything but happy. Falling down is a part of life; getting back up is living. 


What is Love?

Love isn't just about sweetness, it's also 'reality of life.'  It's about right from wrong, truth from lies, light from darkness. It's about the highs and lows of life. Don't expect love to only be about sweetness and run at the first sign of the reality of life.




Copyright © 2020 Brian Blackwell

Beauty cries alone in a room filled with memories
Each passing day Beauty wonders
Wonders whether she should have changed her journeys

The future changes
The past is done

Beauty has pain
Her heart aches

Her loves,
the possibilities, the triumphs
The word defeat isn't in her vocabulary

Beauty cries alone in a room filled
with memories

Despite being weary,
she is a survivor,
has perseverance

Beauty thinks about life
The mistakes that bring on life's somber rain

Born out of the bull-thistle pastoral rolling hills of flowing rivers
Proud and strong
She goes forward, playing the hand given her

Beauty has pain
But Beauty is strong
She is resilient

Family and friend ties
Wise, filled with beauty


Copyright © 2020 Brian Blackwell


A Life Reclaimed

Free—spirited, strong, and confident 
Teardrops falling down and weakened
soulful cries no more

She realized that to be more alive
She had to be less afraid 
And she did it

Farewell the past! Dreams now left to explore 
Jamie, living life....on her terms
No anchor to hold her down

Pretty as a delicate rose, kind and loving
with a bit of sassiness
But can be vicious and ready for war

She's had troubles, she's rebuilt 
Faced dark challenges, and overcame
She's earned her crown

Sustained with the love of family 
Bonds built from abiding love

Those who may speak their bitter,
twisted lies, tread in the very dirt
Still, Jamie shall rise

Everything with determination, heart, courage, strength,
and confidence

Jamie, beautiful and wise
A Life Reclaimed

Copyright © 2020 Brian Blackwell


Purple Lilac

She rises each day strong and brave 
Wearing her traumas like war paint

Catching the tears down her cheek with grace,
the pain masked with smiles

She has healed herself more times than
can be imagined 

Purple lilac, symbol of emotions of love

Soft and beautiful, heavenly in the sun beams
of light, Kim

A fighter, strong and brave
Always willing to help others even during her battle

Hearts and souls joined in the fight, tied together in a lasting bond
that even it cannot break

Fighting the hard fight
That robber of joy, family, and goodness

Family whispers of the heart
She fights on

Brave beauty, tough, kinder and wise
Purple Lilac
Heavenly in the sun beams of light, Kim


Copyright © 2020 Brian Blackwell

Written May 2020 about my dear friend Kim Hoag (October 27, 1968 ― June 18, 2020) of Norwich, New York, who fought bravely against lung cancer.

The world is less beautiful now. The world became much less beautiful on June 18, 2020 at 3:45 a.m.

Her favorite color was purple and her favorite flower was lilac, so as you can see, I included them in the poem and named it Purple Lilac.

I am thankful she was able to read what I wrote. She said, "I'm at a loss for words" and "nobody had ever done such a thing for me," which gave me great pleasure knowing I had brought joy to her. 

She fought hard, she gave it her all. That evil took her away. She put up a helluva fight to the very end. I am so saddened by the loss of my friend.

My life has been enriched by having known her. Her Beauty, her abundant kindness, her smarts, her bright smile, her loving ways. Anyone who had the pleasure of knowing her always enjoyed her presence.



Walk Away From Drama

There comes a time in your life when you walk away from all the drama and people who create it, and surround yourself with people who build you up and make you laugh.

Forget the bad and focus on the good. Love the people who treat you right; pray for the ones who don't. Life is too short to be anything but happy.

Falling down is a part of life; getting back up is living.




As a single footstep makes a path, a single thought makes a pathway in the mind.

To make deep physical paths, we walk again and again. To make deep mental paths, we must think over and over the kind of thoughts we wish to bring into our lives.


Get Your Worth

Never let anyone tell you you're not good enough. When times get tough, don't look for something or someone to blame.

As you already know, the world isn't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place, and no matter how tough you are, it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it.

Nobody hits as hard as life. But it isn't about how hard you hit, it's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. It's about how much you can take. That's how winning is done.

If you know what you're worth, then go and get what you're worth. But you have to be willing to take the hits.



The Rocky Beach

I stand among the tall evergreens along the banks
of the rocky beach at night, 
looking out over the water

Lights from homes across the way shine and glisten
on the Sound, with shadowed mountains and fog behind

Silhouette and sounds of ducks on the water
Raccoons roam along the rocky beach 

The scent from fireplaces fills the air
Fog rolls in as the night moves on

The night consumes my soul
I sit, I stare, I watch with sadness and pain

Thinking, I am a prisoner of my thoughts
Early morning comes, the fog fades, the sun rises

With the rocky beach, I find solace
The rocky beach, my peaceful friend

D. Brian Blackwell

Copyright © 2016 Brian Blackwell


The Power Of Thoughts

Thoughts have tremendous power. Our thoughts mold our life; they create the circumstances in our life.

Positive thoughts equals positive energy, which brings positive results. The same goes for negative thoughts. Negative thoughts equals negative energy, which brings negative results.

We see it in our relationships with the people around us. People who think positive thoughts put out positive energy, and people who think negative thoughts put out negative energy.

We all experience it on a subliminal level, but many of us just ignore it. We simply "like" some people and "don't like" others. We feel good around some individuals. We want to spend more time with them. We want to be friends with them.

We are attracted to positive energy when our own energy is positive. We attract those who match our energy. When we are negative, we repel people with positive energy. We may not like having negative people in our life, but there they are, and we must get along with them.

Our consciousness attracts the people that are around us, and holds them there.


Copyright © 1998 Brian Blackwell


Road Of Life

The road of life is not straight, it winds, and winds, and winds. It has steep hills one must ascend. It was meant to be this way. God Made it so; for a straight road would be unfulfilling, unadventurous, and without the challenges that grow the soul.

The winding road is unpredictable, each curve leaves us to rich imagination as to what might lie beyond. We find wonderment in the unknown, and our souls are made stronger with the ascent up life's hills of adversity. 

Remember this on your journey: Take God with you, and the road of life will be beautiful and less bumpy.


Copyright © 2008 Brian Blackwell


A Better Day

Standing tall and strong
Making her way to a better day

Lovely and sweet as springtime flowers
She knows the price for her freedom
And the power she must possess

Making her way to a better day

Controlling life's strife the best she can
Her sadness to subside as she continues
on her way to a better day 

Only the beauty and intelligence that is her
knows the plan

Knowing that some day will be a better day


 Copyright © 2012 Brian Blackwell



In times of darkness there is still light
Never give up, stand tall and fight
Hold on to your courage and give it all you've got

Never let anyone tell you what you are
or what you are not
Hold on to hope

For if hope should ever die, life becomes a broken-winged bird that cannot fly

Build on your hope, one day at a time though the road be steep and hard to climb

The dark cloud will disappear and the morning sun will appear once again

Brush aside negative thoughts
Your life you continue well fought

It is your life and you can make
a new start

Sometimes you have to listen less to your brain and more to your heart


Copyright © 2000 Brian Blackwell